希尔顿酒店集团 希尔顿酒店集团 Hilton Hotels Hilton is one of the most prestigious hotel groups among the world, operating eleven famous hotel brands including luxury hotels, full range service hotels, and resorts. Since 95 years ago, hotel has been always working to provide quality service for global customers. It has over 4100 hotels in 93 countries all over the world. 希尔顿是国际最具知名度的酒店管理公司之一,拥有包括奢华酒店、全方位服务酒店、度假村及延时居住与专注服务式酒店等十一大卓越酒店品牌。一直以来,希尔顿全球致力于延续为全球客户提供优质服务的传统,旗下在全球93个国家和地区有逾4,100家酒店。 |