雅高酒店集团雅高酒店集团 Accor Hotels Accor Group is headquartered in Paris, was founded in 1967, and is Europe's largest hotel group. About Accor there are about 4,000 hotels in the world, from budget to luxury hotels, Accor provides a full range of hotels of different grades of service levels to meet the different needs of the customer's needs. 雅高集团总部设在巴黎,成立于1967年,是全球最大的酒店管理集团之一及欧洲酒店业的领导者。旗下品牌包括:索菲特、钳尔曼、美憬阁、美爵、诺富特、美居和宜必思,全线覆盖从奢华型到经济型酒店市场,满足不同需求层次顾客的需要。 |